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Matrix aims to be a secure but simple standard featuring end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) messaging, VoIP/Video calls and bridging to other communication protocols while providing decentralization and preserving privacy. This can be done by self-hosting a federated homeserver like Synapse. To connect with me, register at another public server and join the Matrix room:


Matrix ID (MXID)

In Matrix users get an unique identifier called Matrix ID (MXID) that consists of an at (@) character followed by the username and domain name. The latter is separated by a colon (:). For example:


The same way Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is organised Matrix uses the concept of public rooms to represent conversations. To distinguish room aliases from users at a matrix server they are identified by a # as first character leading to the following syntax:

There's a web service provided by the Foundation for linking users, rooms and messages. I've used it to link to my matrix room.


Public Rooms lists rooms that can be joined without invitation and provides information on them, such as member count and topic. Following their links displays a history of messages in this room. An example is Privacy Guides, a room for discussing means for privacy and security to protect yourself online.

Category: Services

services/matrix.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/30 17:03 by this.ven