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Public serverlist

When using the Matrix protocol, consider signing up at a homeserver from the following list in alphabetical order instead of to foster decentralization of web services and make use of federation. Depending on your requirements, you'd might want to choose a provider bridging to other services or featuring bots.

List of homeservers

Provider Homeserver URL Status page Special features (selection) Bots: Poll, Reminder, XKCD and much more
Freifunk Südholstein Run by a german Freifunk community
Nitrokey Run by IT security professionals
sp-codes Run by a security and privacy enthusiast providing a german guide on how to join Bridges: Discord, Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp
Note: Although I'm trying to keep this list up to date, it might be outdated once in a while. Therefore, you may check if the homeserver of your choice still provides Open signups on its status page before registering.

More sources

This is just a selection of providers, that I recommend in terms of privacy. The author of Join Matrix! has compiled a list of public homeservers that I'd like to refer to besides the guide on how to get started for beginners.

If you're looking for a comprehensive list of all homeservers, visit the federation - a statistics hub. Be patient when opening this site as it renders statistics on demand and may take some time to load.

FIXME Last but not at least there's another unofficial selection of public Matrix servers at, but that seems rather outdated.

Join my server

There's no open registration for my Matrix homeserver, but you can talk to me by joining the matrix room:

Category: Matrix

services/matrix/public_serverlist.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/30 17:07 by this.ven